mischelle .mei.
lost in love and i don't know much
innocent love16 currently in luv
If you think you know me, read my blog and think again. I'm imperfect and I'm Lovin' It.
I'm the only witness and the only person who can judge my life.
This is my blog so Click here if you hate it. ANS chinesse bLooD//indo born
tas skulah baruww*taken care by .grace. jurnal 3 bulanan*taken care by .me.
nokia N73-ME*taken care by .daddy. pulank ke indo dpt kartu ijoo bli kartu tilpunn*taken care by .myLunchMoney~ kameraa digitall*taken care by .daddy. rapor g "A" smua smester dpn*taken care by .hardWork? kotaq pnsil bru*taken care by .mummy. meeting [him] kelarin summer assignment *currently in progress
They applauded her and gave her a standing ovation.
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blog kuwh trcintaa.... nulis jg, pd akhirna..... ari ne ama kmaren, cape bgd.... trpaksa bObO jem 1 mlm gra2 pr sial... skrg, msi jem 12an gtu d, msi blon klar.... BT, nulis blog dl d.... gmn y? hmm..... msalah dy? gq taw d.... ap jg namana? *cemburu buta*?? agh... puyenk akuw..... d dwakan sm game [cemburu buta?].... puyenk.... byar g taw c lko dy tu gamer, gq bsa 'di-elakan' klo dy tu emank GAMER bgd... jago pla.... ja'at jg y g? *cemburu buta* sm game? ~jayus~ well.... gq taw d mo gmn lg.... PUSINK ne, taw gq.... mn ad presentasi SIAL ntuw, pr MAT blon klar, PACKET bio blon klar, blon baca bwad PRESENTASI, blon blajar bwad 2 BIO TEST bso.... smuana DUE bso.... bunu saiia sajah.... saiia jg sudah tidaqq nyat HIDUUP.... gq ad yg nyMANGATIN lg.... kekna gq ad alesan bwad IDUUP d.... ap ad y? kekna gq d.... emank dah sya2 kli ne IDUP.... bawa'an na CAPE moLo.... GQ FAIR bgd c? org2 laen bsa2na SANTE2.... dsaat g DSIKSA sampe MATE.... [berima euyy...]
yah... klo mo dpikir2... msalah ginian tu gq usa dpikirin y? pantes g dbilank tipe org yg KEPO.... smua msalah jd dPUSINgin muluw.... klo gq pusing, bkn g.... bso presentasi ne.... pasti baqal "AKIID PRUUDD" d.... gliran stress, slaluw akkidd prudd.... 1. presentasi GILA, yg dah taw g tu org na gq bgd klo mesti TAMPIL, pidato aj PARAH, dulu, waqtu PUBLIC SPEEKING d OSIS, anchoer jg tuw.... yah, memank bkn BAKATna d GINIan c, byar getuw, pas presentasi b.indo, g satuw2na yg dpt 9 d klas duluw.... 'mayan bkin heppie c.... hwhwhw, klo dpiqir2, mungken g bsa jg kli presentasi y? asal mesti PDin diqid, dmana g yg GQ BSA bgd......well, WISH ME LUCK!! 2. ya, msalah keBEGOan na g musingin tu *Cemburu buta*... cape jg klo dpikir2, mikirin msalah yg kekna gq pnting getuw... y gq? kan katana "let it FLOW..." tp, mo dgimanain lg? org 'dah trlahir sbg org yg KEPO kq... hwhwhw.... gq bsa diHINDARI, klo gq ska ma g, y gpp, gq usa tmenan. kan, "Luv me 'cuz it's me and LuV me, who I am, how bad am I, 'cuz it's me" :] klo gq trima, yawda, g gq pduli... ini GW!trima gq trima, bkn urusan g, y gq? y, back to d PROBLEM... g BEGO y? mara sm dy gara2 msalah kek gini... hwhwhw.... *s0wie* da, emank blkgn lg BAD-MOOD molo... mn lg ILFIL pla.... cape da..... yawda.... wateper happens, HAPPENS da.... 3. g dah lyat + dnger lagu "My Hearts", OST.HEART.. laguna KREN bgd, trus g jg dah BACA sinopsisna... emank pelm yg WAJIB nonton tuw, kren bgd.... *pngen nonton sm diyaahh....* lucu kl y? hwhw..... tp, bneran d, baca sinosisna aj, dah bkin g AMPIR nangis, apalage pelm aslina? bner2 pngen n0nt0n d.... :] bayangin, lirik OST na aj, dah mo bkin g NANGIS.... ni ad.... klo mo dnger laguna, ni ad jg..... Lirik/Lyric/Lagu/Song/Tembang Artis/Artist/Band/kumpulan: Irwansyah Feat Acha Septriasa Album Soundtrack/Ost HEART Judul/Title: My Heart ------------------------
------------------------ Irwansyah: Disini kau dan aku Terbiasa bersama Menjalani kasih sayang Bahagia kudenganmu
Acha Septriasa: Pernahkah kau menguntai Hari paling indah Kuukir nama kita berdua Di sini surga kita
Bilakah kita mencintai yg lain Mungkin kah hati ini akan tegar
Irwansyah-Acha Septriasa: Sebisa mungkin tak akan pernah Sayang ku akan hilang
Reff: if u love somebody could we be this strong i will fight to win our love will conquer all wouldn’t reach my love even just one night our love will stay in my heart.... my heart...
Pernahkah kau menguntai--->Acha Septriasa Hari paling indah--->Irwansyah Kuukir nama kita berdua--->Irwansyah-Acha Septriasa Di sini surga kita--->Irwansyah-Acha Septriasa
Acha Septriasa: bilakah kita mencintai yg lain mungkin kah hati ini akan tegar sebisa mungkin tak akan pernah sayang ku akan hilang
Irwansyah: bilakah kita mencintai yg lain mungkin kah hati ini akan tegar sebisa mungkin tak akan pernah sayang ku akan hilang Back to Reff: ---------------
4. d yahoo, trnyata, dr ZODIAK, g bsa taw PRIBADI seseorg..... yg asli, kren bgd... hwhwhw, g post d ne.... btw, dah dl y... Capricorn Girl
A Capricorn girl has a difficult time seeing that there is more to life than work. She is both studious and hard-working which are necessary elements for someone as ambitious as herself. Not only is she a member of the National Honor Society, she's at the top of her class. She's likely to be friends with people who will help her get to where she wants to go in life. A bit quiet at times, she nonetheless knows exactly what she wants and will wait for it to happen. She'll need support and encouragement so that she won't take life so seriously. Conservative and rarely risking too much, she is likely to dress in a preppy style. However, she'll spice up her look a bit if it will help her agenda for success. Otherwise, she has a traditional take on both hair and clothes. As Capricorn rules the knees, she'll need to watch herself on the Stair master or she might wind up hobbling around. Practical and realistic, she is careful not to get in over her head. Her great organizational ability combines with her diligence to help her achieve her goals. With a cautious approach to life, she isn't likely to be a daredevil. Certainly, she will have her homework done before she goes out with her friends and be home well before curfew. She'll easily do well in school, since that's a good start on the road to being CEO of a billion-dollar corporation. .::mirip g?::. kekna, rada mirip2 gtuw d ma g.... klo g lyad2, emank ad sdikid kmiripan..... ad jg ne.... punya diyahh..... Pisces Boy
Soft-hearted and caring to the core, a Pisces young man will never intentionally hurt anyone and will avoid confrontation at all costs. He is likely to spend a lot of time in his own world, a world of dreams and fantasies which will feed his soul. Absent minded at times, the Pisces boy may very well forget to meet you! This sensitive fellow is likely to want to get to know people well, almost to the point of wanting to ""fix"" them. He can't help it since he would love to live in a sweet and perfect little world. He has a tendency to live inside his head. A good outlet for his mental gymnastics would be yoga or meditation which may lead him to a guru in India for some serious practice. Chances are, this lad's education will be different. While he may appear disheveled and a bit out to lunch, the Pisces boy is a truly sensitive and caring fellow. .::mirip kamuwh?::. ngrasa mirip gq? hwhwhw, lucu aj.... naro2 ginian.....
kan2... PR trbengkalai da..... back to HOMEWORK ne.... tha"